Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I remember being mooned for the first time...

Sheri, my best college friend, and I hopped in her car and headed south of the border to Seattle to go see Steve Taylor in concert. We were very excited to see him, he was so New Wave and crazy! The show was great, even though there was nowhere to dance...what is it with concert halls that don't allow people to actually enjoy the music?

Anyway, after the show, we were full of pent-up energy. There were blocks and blocks to walk in late-night Seattle, but both of us were bouncing along as we headed towards the car. There wasn't much traffic, so we noticed when a car drove slowly by. It took a moment to register what exactly I was looking at. The passenger in the back seat had his pants down and his butt squished against the window, mooning us. I had never even heard of such a thing before! I felt insulted, like somebody had just called me a rude name. Why would he do that to us? What had we ever done to him? Did we look funny or something? I thought it was disgusting, and Sheri and I shook our heads as we finished the walk to the car.

I have discovered in the years since that mooning isn't such a big deal to many people. My husband has, on occasion, mooned his own mother! Bart Simpson has mooned just about everybody! But when I was 18, all I knew was that some hairy teenager with pimples had pulled his pants down and I felt insulted. My upbringing had not prepared me for public displays of butt.


Anonymous said...

"My husband has, on occasion, mooned his own mother!"

Thanks for the laugh!!

Spoke said...

I don't recall my first mooning. It's actually illegal in most places funny enough. I don't know the charge itself, exposing yourself in public or some such thing. I don't know what the fuss is all about, most people's backsides are nicer to look at than their mugs...
...and I haven't mooned mum in years. Perhaps for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Nice thought spoke....yeah, actually my first mooning occurred in youth became a thing where you knew the boys in our youth groups bums as well and you knew their faces....pleasant eh?

I admit I find it funny, the whole mooning thing though never mooned a person, I have found it invigorating on occasion to moon the moon....yeah, show that smug thing.

Annacond said...

Not a comment on mooning, just a comment on Steve Taylor (assuming this is the same guy you're talking about)...

LOVE HIM! My siblings and I would sing along to his records at the tops of our collective lungs, our parents probably deeply regretted ever buying the first one for us (was it 'I Wanna Be A Clone' maybe?) Loved 'Meltdown At Madame Tussaud's' too, to the point that it was the first touristy place I went to in London in 1986. And you wouldn't believe the heated dinner-table discussions we had over his song 'Lifeboat'.

Wow, the memories this post brought up for me. Thanks.

Belladonna said...

"Streaking" was a big thing during my teen aged years. I ALMOST did it once on a dare but then chickened out at the last minute.

I have been mooned by my brother - but never my sons. That would be rather odd, I think.

Amber said...

I was mooned once... a few years ago when I was practicing voice in the fine arts building... I shut the blinds every practice time after that. I wish it would have happened in the morning - the crack of dawn would have a whole new meaning.

bah hah.

Christopher Newton said...

On a completely different subject, Merry Christmas to Paula and Spoke,the Bloggers of the North. Your words have inspired and edified and made the Pondering Pig laff and sigh for a whole great year, and I, for one, am looking forward to another year of same (Or different is okay too).

RC said...

That's a pretty funny memory Paula, thank you fro sharing it.

--RC of

Born to be Transformed said...

I have to admit that I've mooned two people in my time. One was Spoke while we were out on Halloween two years ago. We still laugh about that. For the record though, he mooned me before that.

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