Monday, November 13, 2006

I remember drinking home brew and watching Batman reruns....

I had been to see Alice Donut play at the Town Pump in Vancouver (June, 1989). I was enjoying hanging out with the guys in the band, and asked them if they wanted to come to my place and watch Batman reruns and smoke dope. What band would refuse that offer? A local friend offered to bring a crate of home brewed beer, so he got to come to the party, too. We all arrived at my place and had a quiet evening.

Rock and roll isn't all wild parties, you know. Sometimes it's flaking out on the couch and having friendly arguments about who made the better Catwoman, Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt. We drank all the beer and watched Batman until we all fell asleep, curled up like kittens on the big couch.


Anonymous said...

So who that evening was determined to be the better catwoman? Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt??

My vote would go to Eartha Kitt.

Cameltrooper said...

Julie Newmar all the way. I kept waiting for her and Yvonne Craig's Batgirl to really go at it ;)

Spoke said...

No contest...Eartha Kitt. However, they never let Ann Margaret have a go did they? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ann Margaret. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm homebrew....

Anonymous said...

Curled up like kittens, eh? You were lucky! The Pondering Pig (much younger, and...hmm, a wee bit wilder then)and I went to a party and drank some delicious home-made apple wine. The last thing I remember before passing out in a field was laying there looking up and wondering way the sky looked so weird and wobbly. The very long and winding ride home hours later was not fun, especially for the Ponderer, who, along with the other musicians, drank far more than I did! Wish we'd had your friend's brew!

Paula said...

I pretty much have come to the conclusion that if Julie Newmar had Eartha Kitt's voice, Catwoman would have taken over the world, and nobody would have minded.

Amber said...

Did you blog about the marijuana Christmas tree? I suppose I could just go and look it up under the marijuana category...