Thursday, October 19, 2006

I remember getting hit in the back of the head....

The lockers at our school came in two rows, and the locker for my junior high years was in the bottom row. One day I was crouching down to get the books for my next class in the near empty hallway. Two boys from my class came running by, and one of them swung his Adidas gym bag, full of gear, into the back of my head as they passed. I was pushed by the force of the blow right into my locker.

If this was a scene on a TV show, there would be a laugh-track. I'm sure it looked kind of funny. I did not laugh, but pushed myself out of my locker and sighed. Another meaningless violence against me. I grabbed my books and continued on to class. I think I was lectured for arriving late.


Spoke said...

When I see some of those bastards...previous town, I must contain myself!! The flesh would LOVE a quick 7 minetes with each one.

Christopher Newton said...

If you had only had telekinetic powers! Did you ever see that movie 'Carrie' when you were a teen?

And, by the way, when I saw that picture of you with the tattoo, I thought, "My gosh, Paula's a babe!"

If they'd only known.

Spoke said...

You know Pig, I've seen pictures of Paula from baby to babe, I don't know how much glue those assholes were huffing, but she was very easy to look at then too.(good personality from many accounts to boot) I don't recall wacking girls in school, I'da wacked any guy that hit a chic, and enjoyed it too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I could never see Paula as being considered 'ugly'. The idea is ridiculous. But part of me wonders, why does this matter, why does someone think they have the right to reserve punishment for you if they think you are ugly? How dare they think that somehow they are better if they deem themselves better looking! Sorry, won't rant. I am angry, for you Paula for myself, and for the world, but I won't rant.

Amber said...

Yeah school was violent for me as well on many occasions - especially in grade 6. I went to Bowden. I'm pretty sure it was a direct reflection of the Bowden Institute life. My only "friend" in that school constantly kicked me in the back of the knees so I'd fall on the ground... and one time these girls yanked at this chair I was sitting on (while I was at a computer)... and I tipped back and smashed my head on the floor. I played tough so I didn't show them I was vulnerable. If they couldn't hurt me, maybe they would stop trying. When I got home every day after school, I cried.

Steven said...

High school sucks for the most part.

Life is tough but talking about it helps. Like the blog. Keep writing.

canadiangirl said...

I was never hit in the Town School (that I can remember), but there are reasons connected to bullying that make me refuse to ever go back, none of which I shall go into. However, I feel for ya.. and would love to give those creeps a peice of my mind right now.

Anonymous said...

When I was in Jr. High I recall an incident where I tossed a used fudgesickle stick to the trash, unfortunately it overshot the trash and hit Justin W, bad move on my part, as Justin was a tough kid!

Justin fingered at me to come to him, and of course I did... upon arrival next to Justin he dumped his orange juice on me.

As I recall it, I then made my way to the locker room and switched into my p.e. shirt.